Upgrade PHP 5.x to 7.x
 # mkdir /usr/share/webmaillite && \
  cd /usr/share/webmaillite && \
  wget https://afterlogic.org/download/webmail_php.zip  && \
  yum -y install unzip && \
  unzip webmail_php.zip && \
  chown -R apache.apache /usr/share/webmaillite/data && \
  chown -R apache.apache /usr/share/webmaillite/adminpanel
 # vi /usr/share/webmaillite/data/settings/config.json 
   Change setting 'RedirectToHttps' to true
 # vi /usr/share/webmaillite/data/settings/modules/TwoFactorAuth.config.json
   Change 'Disable' to false; 'ShowRecommendationToConfigure' to true;, and 
          'AllowSecurityKeys to true
 # printf '%s\n' \
   'Alias /wmail /usr/share/webmaillite' \
   '<Directory /usr/share/webmaillite/>' \
   '  <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>' \
   '     # Apache 2.4' \
   '     Require local' \
   '     Require all granted' \
   '  </IfModule>' \
   '<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>' \
   '     # Apache 2.2' \
   '     Order Deny,Allow' \
   '     Require all granted' \
   '     Allow from all' \
   '  </IfModule>' \
   '</Directory>' \
   > /etc/httpd/conf.d/webmaillite.conf
 # systemctl restart httpd
 # MYSQLPW=<mypassword>
 # mysqladmin create afterlogic -uroot -p$MYSQLPW
 # mysqladmin -uroot -p$MYSQLPW reload
 # mysqladmin -uroot -p$MYSQLPW refresh
 # echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON afterlogic.* TO afterlogic@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'SsEeCcRrEeTt'" | mysql -uroot -p$MYSQLPW
 # mysqladmin -uroot -p$MYSQLPW reload
 # mysqladmin -uroot -p$MYSQLPW refresh
 Open browser to http://ip.address.of.server/wmail/adminpanel to login: (username: superadmin, password: <blank>), and change password
 Go to 'Database Settings' and enter settings  
    1) SQL Login: afterlogic
    2) SQL Password: SsEeCcRrEeTt
    3) Database Name: afterlogic
    4) Host:
    5) Test connection (Button)
    6) Create/Update tables (Button)
    7) Update Configuration (Button)
    8) Save
 Go to 'Mail Servers' and enter settings
    1) Display Name: <To Suit>
    2) IMAP Server:
    3) SMTP Server:
    4) Leave everything else unchanged
    5) Save
 Login with any Mail Server user account
 More Information: Here